有限会社吉井菌学研究所 Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute

有限会社吉井菌学研究所 Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute

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公司名称: 有限会社吉井菌学研究所 Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute
送积分[ポイント] 3%
开店时间: 2013/10/30
商  品  数: 5
收藏本店: 加入收藏夹
购买 5个商品以上,免运费
购买 3074人民元以上,免运费

公司名称 [会社名] 有限会社吉井菌学研究所 Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute
电话 [電話]
FAX[传真] 0978-26-2885
公司地址[会社住所] 〒879-0855 大分県豊後高田市田染真木1733
会社概要[公司介绍] '50 And it was founded, we have continued to study the fungus mushroom.
Fungus diet Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute, mushroom health food were cultured in brown rice is a food itself is excellent mushroom fungus of three kinds (shiitake mushroom, Ganoderma Cordyceps summer grass), it enables the efficient intake of active ingredient to stabilize is.
In order to make each product, we have invested a lot of time very much.

I am cultured in organic brown rice use proprietary technology, the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma shiitake.
And incorporated into daily life the nutritional value of mystery with the mushrooms, let's get a healthy body.

Yoshii Kin-gaku Institute is manufacturing is "Cordyceps synensis".



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